The EduMediaLab offers stimuli and spaces for learning with and about media as well as the exploration of creative scope, e.g. with 3D printing, programmable microprocessors and virtual reality applications. The focus is on reflected media action and the critical examination of the innovation and risk potential of social-media changes, on the one hand with a view to possibilities of creative design, political participation and the promotion of democracy, and on the other hand with a view to tendencies of surveillance and control as well as algorithmisation and the spread of disinformation.
Organisation/Room: Universität Innsbruck, Department for Media, Society and Communication, Universitätsstraße 5-7, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria,, First Floor, Room 1W03
- 1 Prusa i3 Printer
- 3 Arduino UNO "The Most Complete Starter Kit
- 9 Arduino UNO REV3
- 2 Occulus Quest 2 with Controller
- 5 EDUWear Kits
- 10 Microbit Sets
- 5 Rasperry Sets (small)
- 1 Iiyama ProLite Touchscreen
- 1 video editing PC
- 1 Zoom H2N Recorder + Accessory Kit
Notes: The room and equipment are used for regular, planned teaching events and must be reserved in good time for events, training courses, etc. with Andreas Forster.
Laborleitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Theo Hug, Andreas Forster & Sarah Panizzutti-Giuliani